Join us for our 60th Anniversary Gala on April 4th, 2025 at 6:00pm.
The venue will be the Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort at Kingston Resorts. Entertainment will be provided by TruSol.

for more.
What's the Weather going to be?
Is it going to be stormy, cold, or time to go to the beach?

to see.
The next Board Meeting for Waccamaw EOC will be
Tuesday, February 25th at 7:00pm.

It will be held at the County One Stop facility in Hemingway, SC.

Call 843-234-4100 for more information.

The is available in PDF format.   for directions.

Check out our new section about

Click here
to visit the

Giving blood is really a big deal. There's a good chance that you or a family member already received a life saving transfusion. That was only possible because someone donated. You can be that someone. Find a blood drive and make an appointment. It's fast. It's easy. And you'll feel great for doing it.
Are you interested in furthuring your education?
Our Employment & Training Programs may be the ticket for you.

for more information.
Want to see some magic?
How about turning $1 into $7?
Community Action Agencies do that and much more.

For even more information contact the CSBG office in your county.

According to regulations, we're required to make our Audits & Annual Reports available for viewing.